校园生活 & 学生事务

Welcome to 校园生活

On behalf of the Division of 学生事务, it is our pleasure to welcome you. 该部门致力于帮助宝盈bbin官方登录的学生在课堂内外取得成功. We also take great pride in the programs, opportunities and services we provide.




The goal of 学生事务 is to promote and enhance a safe, 通过鼓励社区参与,为所有学生提供健康和温馨的环境, celebrating diversity and embracing the campus region.


  • Student Engagement
  • Student Experience
  • Building Community


Courtney Bringley
(518) 327-6059

位置 & 邮件:
7777 NY-30
Joan Weill Adirondack 图书馆 205
Paul Smiths, NY 12970

日历 & 事件


An Evening Climb: Chapel Pond Slab

一周前,我的朋友山姆问我是否想马上出去爬山,我不情愿地答应了. We made a plan and shook on it…»



A Quick Chat on Ethical Hunting



Voices and views from the Paul Smith’s College community


Athletic Director
(518) 327-6286

吉姆·塔克(吉姆·塔克)被称为“乐趣院长”,他在加布里埃尔附近的自家土豆农场长大. 他拥有纽约州立大学波茨坦分校的美国历史学士学位和弗吉尼亚理工大学的咨询硕士学位. Jim has implanted a myriad of outdoors programs, developed the college’s marathon canoe team, 他在雪鞋比赛中发挥了非常积极的作用,担任帝国州雪鞋比赛协会主席,并帮助保罗史密斯的黾队自2000年以来获得了14次国际雪鞋冠军. Jim also began coaching the cross country team in 2010, which has since racked up a handful of conference titles. His course The Humble Spud is a student favorite!

Student 活动 Coordinator
(518) 327-6401

吉尔在纽约北部长大,毕业于圣·霍普金斯大学,获得学士和硕士学位. Lawrence University. While completing her Master’s Degree, 她曾担任住宿部主任,并在学生活动办公室实习. Before Jill started at Paul Smith’s College in 2006, 她曾担任俄亥俄州丹尼森大学的节目和联合赞助协调员以及宾夕法尼亚州特拉华谷大学的学生活动主任. In her spare time, she likes to read and bake cookies for the students.

Annabelle Abbadessa
Health Services Office Manager
(518) 327-6309

Bella moved to the Adirondacks after graduating from SUNY Fredonia in 2016. She has a passion in health and well-being, 在成为FredASSIST (Fredonia学生安全亲密行为和性传播感染检测协会)的一员之后, during her time in college. In her spare time, Bella likes to hike, watch Netflix and spend time with her cat.


Director of Campus Safety
(518) 327-6300

Holly于2007年在宝盈bbin官方网站开始了她的职业生涯,担任校园安全官. In 2010, she was promoted to Lead Campus Safety Officer (Sergeant) and, in 2015, she was promoted to Assistant Director. 2016年1月, 她担任临时董事,并于2016年7月正式晋升为董事. She is a Title IX investigator. She is also a New York State Security Guard Instructor, a R.A.D. (自卫)讲师,以及美国安全与健康研究所(ASHI)讲师. 她拥有North Country Community College的应用科学副学士学位和技术学士学位, Law Enforcement Leadership degree from SUNY Canton.

Matthew Dougherty
Recreation Coordinator
(518) 327-6389

A 2001 Houghton College and 2003 St. Lawrence University graduate, 除了指导大学越野和田径队外,Dougherty还从事户外教育项目的教学和领导工作近20年.

多尔蒂在北卡罗来纳州坎顿的圣劳伦斯大学获得教育学研究生学位.Y. Following graduation from Houghton, 多尔蒂在宝盈bbin官方网站担任男子和女子越野赛的队长. During his second year at Paul Smith’s, Dougherty led the Bobcats to the USCAA National Meet where they finished third, and had nine runners place within the top-30 overall. 多尔蒂于2005年夏天回到霍顿,在那里他担任服务学习主任和娱乐和体育教授,除了担任助理教练的职责.

Under Dougherty’s tutelage, 超过60名运动员达到了全国资格赛水平,其中至少有20名运动员进入了全美国家队. 在过去的六个赛季中,多尔蒂指导了50多名运动员获得了参加NAIA全国锦标赛的资格,其中三名运动员被公认为联盟最有价值球员, several individual conference champions, and two national champions. With only one year in the NCCAA behind him, 多尔蒂曾执教过三届全国冠军和一届全国最杰出选手. His athletes have set over 30 school records.


Rikelmy Williams
Coordinator of New Student Orientation and Student Conduct
(518) 327-6128

里基·威廉姆斯出生于多米尼加共和国,八岁时移居纽约市. 1995年毕业于宝盈bbin官方网站,获得酒店餐饮管理专业的专业学士学位, I married my college boyfriend who joined the Army. We lived in Tennessee and Hawaii throughout his career. After 10 years in the military and three children, 宝盈bbin官方登录决定回到阿迪朗达克来养家糊口,因为这里是宝盈bbin官方登录的家. 我一直想再去保罗·史密斯餐厅,当机会来临时,我抓住了. I’m very happy to now be working at my alma mater. In my spare time I love spending time with my children, enjoying the beautiful lakes in the Adirondacks, traveling and reading.

Abigail Fontaine
Director of Health Services – College Nurse
(518) 327-6349

As an alumnus of Paul Smith’s College, it is an honor to be back on campus. After receiving a bachelor’s of science in biology, 我在阿拉斯加为美国国家海洋和大气管理局工作,在商业渔船上担任渔业生物学家. 2012年,是时候停止生活在行李袋里了,去追求我真正热爱的护理事业. After graduating from the University of Alaska, 我搬回了东海岸,花了几年时间四处旅行,积累了护理领域的经验.

My off time is spent working on my home, a true fixer upper. I am proud to say that I have become a wiz with a skill saw. I also enjoy trail running with my dog Francis, making bread and quilting.

Please feel free to stop by the office for any of your health needs. My door is always open.

Assistant Coordinator of Recreation + Intramurals/Head Soccer Coach
(518) 327-6848

我叫Zack Luzzi,来自宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿(是的,《宝盈bbin官方登录》里的城市确实存在)。. 我2010年从保罗·史密斯学院毕业,我非常喜欢这里,于是回到这里工作!

Director of Counseling Center
(518) 327-6225

Shakirra琼斯 is a native of Mobile, AL. 她毕业于芝加哥职业心理学院(TCSPP),获得硕士学位.A. 在咨询心理学和塔斯基吉大学,她对心理学感兴趣, diversity and social justice began. After graduation from Tuskegee, 夏奇拉搬到了芝加哥,在大学和非营利组织担任各种职务,为弱势群体和弱势群体服务. She is a firm believer that every person deserves to be heard and welcomed, regardless of culture or background. 这种信念是她对咨询的热情和文化能力的基石. 她的最终目标是增加跨文化的包容和理解. Her counseling interests include microaggressions, psychological well-being and coping among persons of color, cultural competence, ”主题, 性别, and community organizing.